Celebrating 25 Years of Devotion to
Lord Hanuman
Explore the spiritual journey through our extensive collection of articles and stories about Lord Hanuman. Immerse in His wisdom and strength as you celebrate this milestone.
Many forms and many qualities of Sri Hanuman have attracted many household bhakthas, sanyasis, saints heading asharams, hamsars, Siddhas, avaduthas, and gyanis. They had reached ecstasy, and at many levels they had a mystical experience of these attributes of Sri Hanuman.
They had brought out their experience, describing the physical form and majestic qualities of Sri Hanuman in words as a hymn. Such hymns in praise of the Lord were in practice in places. Over the period, in different regions, these verses were practiced as meditative verses.
Many scholars have explained these subtly told qualities of Sri Hanuman in simple language for us to understand and enjoy the great qualities of the Lord.
We had made an effort to bring out in this article section, these explanations on the greatness of the Lord by the saints and other scholars.
Anjaneya Swami will bliss
Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Jagat guru Sri Chandrasekarendra Saraswathi Sankaracharya swamigal
Shri Paramacharya explains the great virtues of the Lord Anjaneya who is embodiment of many qualities
not found in one...... [more..]
Blessing of Anjaneya Swami
Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Jagat guru Sri Jayendra Saraswathi Sankaracharya swamigal
Shri Periyava says : Dharmo rakshathi rakshithaha is the saying. If we protect the Dharma, Dharma will
protect us. To protect Dharma means adhering to Dharma in our life style, as in the case of Lord
Anjaneya ..... [more..]
The worship of Anjaneya Swami
Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Jagat guru Sri Jayendra Saraswathi Sankaracharya swamigal
Shri Periyava says : First buddhi is mentioned. By worshipping Anjaneya, one will get sad buddhi or
good intellect. If the buddhi is all right, then everything else will become all right
automatically. The second fruit is balam or strength. ..... [more..]
Vayusutha ya namo namaha
gk kaushik
The significance of choosing the name Vayusutha ha as my home page name. [more..]
Ramayana mahamaala ratnam vande anilatmajam
sri k.c.subbaiah
This three part article discribes the qualities of Shri Hanuman as seen in the sloka "Manojavam maruta tulya
vegam ; Jitendriyam budhimataam varishtam". The courage with which he undertakes the job entrusted to him
and moves towards the goal with comfort, speed and determination is seen in the first part.
Total control of senses Hanuman had as jitendriya is seen in the second part.
Why and how Shri Hanuman is Buddimataam Varishtham is seen in the third part.
First impression
gk kaushik
The vision being clear and thinking being pure the impression formed on the first meeting aquires lot
of importance for our future. Describes the first meeting of Lord Shri Anjaneya with Lord Shri
Rama in Rishyamukha mountain ranges. [more..]
The other first impression
gk kaushik
When vision is not clear and thinking is not pure the impression even about the truth is likely to
get distorted and take a wrong direction. Describes the first meeting of Lord Shri Anjaneya
had with Lankeswara Shri Ravana in Lanka. [more..]
Rama nama mahima
sri kathyayini priyan
The crystal has many properties and one of them is that when electrical energy is applied, it
transforms it into mechanical movement. On sensing any mechanical movement the crystal
transforms it into electrical energy. ...... so also the rama nama, chanting of this taraka
nama Ramá which combines three letters Ra, á, má will bestow on us "Sachithanantham". [more..]
Kamaroopaya thubhyam namah
sri kathyayini priyan
In Ramayana if there is any other character, which equally attracts the attention of the reader,
it is that of Lord Hanuman. ....Hanuman though given the vanara roopa, possesses characters
of a perfect man and no imperfection had been found in him. ....Hanuman is known as
"Kamaroopi" meaning one who could take any physical form at the desired time. .... [more..]
Hanumath jayanthi
gk kaushik
.... it is not possible to pinpoint the date of any mythological character in the absence of any
reference.... Therefore we should.....believe that Lord Anjaneya was born on the full moon day
of the bright fortnight (Sukla Paksha) of Chaitra lunar month. ..... [more..]
gk kaushik
...Sri Suka Brimham the Brihma Gyani and Sri Anjaneya the Brihma Gyani.... [more..]
Hanumath veena
gk kaushik
...Firstly Sri Tumburu started playing the veena vadhan and the Devatas forgot to wink their eyes,....
Now Lord Anjaneya signaled Sri Narada to play the instrument. Sri Narada started playing his
fretted veena....the attention of the congregation turned towards the His Lordship the
Judge Lord Anjaneya. ..... [more..]
Praana daatre namah
gk kaushik
...It may not be easy to think of an action to be taken for a particular situation. ..But Lord
Anjaneya how He analyses the situation in Lanka and acts will show us the way we can get
over the situation. Find out .... [more..]
Sathyam sivam sundram
gk kaushik
...Saint Valmiki known as AdiKavi wrote the first kavya and named it 'Sita charitham' meaning
'History of Sita'. This kavya is now known as "Ramayana". There is a canto by name "Sundara
Kandam". This chapter of the Ramayana is unique in many ways. The entire Ramayana is told
in this chapter .... [more..]
Vaishnava TejaH Namostute
Sri Hari Sunder
...The author expounds on the great qualities Sri Hanuman had due to which he was radiant, contrasting them with the avivekam and arrogance (ahankara) that Ravana suffering..... [more..]
|| Sri Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram ||
|| Sri Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram ||