Slokas in praise of Lord Anjaneya with meaning

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Slokas in praise of Lord Anjaneya with meaning

yathra yathra raghunatha keerthanam
        thathra thathra kruthamasthakanjalem |
pashpavari paripurna lochanam
        maruthim namatha rakshasanthagam ||

Sri Maruthi (Son of Wind God), the terror to demons (Rakshasas) is present wherever praise of Sri Rama is sung, with joyous tears in His eyes and folded hands over His head. To Him we offer our salutation (Namaskarams).

Manojavam maaruta tulya vegam
         Jitendriyam budhimataam varishtam |
Vaataatmajam Vaanarayootha mukhyam
        Sri Rama dootam s'irasa namaami ||

Lord Rama's emmisary,(sri Rama dootam) the foremost among the intelligentsia, (budhimataam varishtam) is swift as thought and equal to wind-God in speed (monojavam maaruth tulya vegam). I bow reverently my head (s'irasa namassmi) to that wind God's great son (vaaataatmajam)Hanuman, who keeps his sense organs ever under control (jitendriyam) and a leader of the army of the monkeys (vaanarayootha mukhyam).

Anjanaanandanam veeram
        Jaanaki s'oka naas'anam |
Kapees'am Aksha hanthaaram
        Vande Lanka bhayankaram ||

Anjaneya, the delight of his mother Anjana Devi (Anjanaanandanam) and the destroyer of the demon king Ravana's son Aksha, dispeller of the grief of the daughter of king Janaka (Jaanaki s'oka naas'anam), I salute(Vande) that heroic (veeram) monkey-leader Hanuman (Kapees'am), the source of terror to Lanka (Lanka bhaankaram).

Ullangya sindhoh salilam saleelam
        yah s'oka vanhim janakatmajaayaah |
Aadhaya tenaiva dhadaaha lankaam
        Namaami tam praanjaliraanjaneyam ||

My obeisance to Anjaneya with palms joined (tam praanjaliranjaneyam), who having leapt across the deep sea (salilam) in a playful manner (sa leelam) and picking up the fire of grief of Jankakumari (janakatmajaayaah s'oka vanhim), burnt Lanka with the very same (tenaiva) fire of grief.

Goshpathy kritha vaaraas'im
        mas(h)akee kritha raakshasam |
Ramayana mahaa maalaa Ratnam
        vande anilaathmajam ||

Sri Anjaneya sprang across the ocean effortlessly, as if crossing a Cow's hoof (goshpathy) and crushed many ogres, like mosquitoes. My obeisance(vande) to Son (aathmajam) of wind God (Anila) who shines as a pendent on great Ramayana necklace (Mahamaala).

Aanajeyam atipaatalaananam
        kaanchanaadri Kamaneeya vigraham |
Paarijaatatarumoola Vaasinam
        Bhaavayaami pavamaana nandanam ||

Son of Anjanadevi (Aanajeyam) and the wind God (pavamaana nandanam) who is deep red-faced (ati paatala aananam) and who's body radiates like that of the golden mountain (kaanchanaadri Kamaneeya Vigraham) and has the Paarijaata celestial tree as His abode, I bow down with reverence (Bhaavayaami) Thee.  

budhdirbalam yaso' dhairyam nirbhayatva-maro'gata |
ajadatyam vakpatutvam ca hanumatsmaranadbhavet ||

Wisdom (budhi), physical strength (balam), fame (yashas), courage, valor (fearlessness), good health, vigilance, eloquence, (all these) are bestowed upon meditating on the Lord Hanuman.   

Atulita-bal-shamam, hemshailabhadeham
Danuja-vana-krishanam, gyaninamagraganyam
Sakalagunanidhanam, vanaranamadheesham |
Raghupativardootam, Vatajatam namami ||

He who is the repository of immense power with a body glittering like a mountain of gold; who is verily the jungle-fire to incinerate the jungle of demons; the exalted scholar, the mine of all virtue and the master of apesand monkey(vanaramam)- I bow in reverence to such of the wind god, Lord Hanuman, the nenowed ambassador of Lord Rama.

Aamushi krutha marthaandam
        goshpathi krutha sagaram ||
thrunee krutha dasagreevam
        Anjaneyam namamyaham ||

He, who tried to devour the rays of the Sun in one stroke, who crossed the sea as if it is the distance between the front and back legs of the cow , who considered Ravana (Dasagriva) as trifle like grass and ignored him, - I pay obeisance to that Anjaneya.

asaadhya sadhaka swamin
        asaadhyam thavakim vadha ||
ramadootha krupasindho
        mathkaryam sadhaya prabho ||

He, who could achieve that which is impossible, who could do even the most difficult things- Swamin! Hey Swami- Please tell me: Is there anything that you cannot do? You are the ambassador of Lord Rama, you are the ocean of ompassion; Prabho (Prabhu in Sanskrit has the meaning - One who can do, undo and do in another way) please help me in discharging my duties and responsibilities.

sarva kalyana thaatharam sarvaapadhgana vaarakam ||
apara karuna murthim anjaneyam namamyaham ||

Hey Anjaneya ! who is the giver of all good things, who protect from all adversaries, who is the repository of immeasurable love and compassion, I pay my obeisance to you.

doorikirutha sitarthi prikateekirutha
        rama vaibhava spurithi: ||
dharita dasamukha kirthi: puratho
        mama pathu hanumato murti: ||

May Lord Hanuman, who got rid of the sufferings of Sita, who brought out succinctly the character and special qualities of Lord Rama, who brought down the fame of Ravana, standing before me, protect me.

Khyatah: SriRamaduth: Pavanatanubhavah:
        Pingalaksah: Sikhavan
Sita Sokapahari dasamukhavijayi
        Lakshmanapranadata |
Aneta Bhesajadreh: Lavanajalanidheh
        Langane Diksito yah:
Virasriman Hanuman mama
        manasi Vasan Karyasidhmadhim tanotu ||

Let veera Sriman Hanuman lives in my mind and guide me in every aspect and lead me to victory. This Hanuman, known as the Ramadootha - the messenger of Sri Rama - was born to the Wind God Pavana, the Vayu, his eyes are light yellow in colour, has long hair. He is the one who helped Sita to get rid of her sorrow by conquering the Dasamuka rakshasa, Ravana; gave life to Lakshmana when he was lying unconscious bringing the herbal mountain itself for this purpose (as he had no time to search and select the proper medicinal herbs) and this is the same Hanuman who showed that he has the capability of crossing the Ocean.

Sarvarista nivarakamam subhakaram
Sitanveshana tatparam kapivaram
        Kotindu Surya prabham |
Lankadvipa Bhayankaram sakaladam
        Sugriva sammanitam
Devendradi samasta Deva vinutam
        Kakustha dutam Bhaje ||

My salutations to this Hanuman who always brings subham - everything that is good - for his devotees and eliminates the bad and the evil. He removes even the traces of bad thoughts and deeds from his devotees. i.e he makes them pure in words, thought and deed. With eyes yellow in colour, he is said to be the best among the kapi- the monkeys. He is the one as bright as koti Suryas and koti Chandras (million Suns and Moons) who went in search of Sita. He was a threat to the island of Lanka, but for his devotees he is the one who bestows everything. He was praised by Sugriva. Being the messenger of Rama (the descendent of Kakusth dynasty) he is revered by all Devas including Indra.


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