Biography of the web site named "Vayusutha:"

Slokas in praise of Lord Anjaneya with meaning

Path walked - Part I   

[ Ed. September 2012 ]

a screen shot of the site - Vayusutha-tamil Geocities started in 1994 and was the first giant "social network" and it remained one of the most important websites in the world until it was closed on 27.10.2009. Many of the pages hosted were worthy and unique scientific sources or of great public interest. Many of those were historically interesting or just representing the 90's website culture and style.

Vayusutha is thankful to the Yahoo for hosting our pages for free from August 2000 till October 2009 in their Geocities web site

Interestingly many of the Tamil web pages hosted by the internet users were in Geocities. For Tamil web pages started growing in numbers and quality in design, content with the notable contribution by Dr. Kalyanaraman’s pages using “Mylai” font based on ASCII format.

It was then we started our Tamil pages in “ vhayusudha” using Mylai font on 27.08.2000. You require download the font and install it in the pc for proper viewing. Each of the browsers will behave differently to the layout designed by you for Tamil viewing, necessitating redesigning the pages quite often. It was challenging then, since unlike these days where bloggers are given free to choose web design tested for errors and presence of UNICODE were not there.


Path walked - Part II   

[ Ed. October 2012 ]

a screen shot of the guest book for the site - Vayusutha Our web site in Tamil was started on 27.08.2000 using Mylai font with the blessings of Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Sri Sankaracharya Swamigal to cater to Sri Hanumath devotees knowing the Tamil language. As the search engines could not recognize the Tamil font, the site was seen only by people whom we could contact over email and further by their contacts. To over come this, the pages used to be titled in English, and key words specified in English, but then to spell the Tamil words in English is not uniform. Still the search engine could not track all the pages. The progress of reaching many viewers was very slow.

By then there was a lot of talk on standardization of font and ‘character map’ and schemes to be used for proper viewing of Tamil pages in internet. TSCII standard and scheme was mooted by many Tamil internet users and IT professionals in the field. The scene was unclear. Tamil Nadu Government was trying to standardize some other scheme. For any of these schemes you require to have the font installed in the PC.

We had a page in English which described the “help” for viewing Tamil web pages in different browsers and fonts and this was the most sought after page of our web site. This gave us the idea of how to reach more Tamil viewers.

To reach as many as Sri Hanumath devotees possible we introduced the English version of the web pages on 30.11.2000. Through these pages one can get into our Tamil pages. We had a new address:, as Yahoo had started their Indian operation for all their services.

The English site became functional in full form from the following Sri Hanumath Jayanthi.


Path walked - Part III   

[ Ed. November 2012 ]

a screen shot of the site - Vayusutha-tamil By now many of the Tamil sites in internet were using TSCII fonts and ‘dynamic font’. Then Government of Tamil Nadu introduced a new font and Tamil font standardization. We were in dilemma whether to adopt TSCII standard or TAM standard of Govt of TN. Finally we decided to use TAM fonts. We switched our Tamil pages from Mylai font to TAM font. The pages were controlled by ‘css’ as far as fonts are concerned. The viewer needs to have any one of the TAM font installed in their system. They will be able to view our pages without any problem. Since the font converters were available for free, the work became simpler for us. But the search engine problem continued, we still continued to reach the Tamil viewers only through our English site.

Our English site continued to grow in with more viewership. There were many suggestions for us to improve the contents. We introduced a new section giving the brief biography of the Sri Hanuman devotees.

For many keywords regarding Sri Hanuman/ Sri Anjaneya our site started appearing in the first ten.


Path walked - Part IV    

[ Ed.December 2012 ]

Our Tamil pages were switched from Mylai font to TAM fonts from September 2002 onwards. As and when we get new slokas from viewers we introduced them in our Tamil site. In our English pages we introduced a new practice of putting one dyana sloka of Sri Anjaneya Swamy each month with meaning in English. We are greatful to Smt. Janaki Krishnan for her contribution towards this. All the slokas we hosted as on date were transalated by her. We are proud to note that many of the slokas with her transalation published by us had found a place in other web sites also. Propagation of glory of Sri Anjaneya Swamy – an initative we started – copied by others.

We continued to update our Tamil and English site each month on the day where ‘Moola’ star is falling. The practice continued till Sri Hanumath Jayanthi of 2003. We continued to reach our Tamil viewers through our English site and our English site continued to grow with more viewership.

For many keywords regarding Sri Hanuman/ Sri Anjaneya our site started appearing in the first five in the search engines.


Path walked - Part V    

[ Sri Hanumath Jayanti Special edition - January 2013 ]

The practice of updating our web pages each month on the day when “Moola” star is falling was changed to ‘first of every month’ from Sri Hanumath Jayanthi of 2003.

a screen shot of the site - Vayusutha Our pages continued to be in TAM font. When ‘Unicode’ fonts took over the internet by storm, we were too happy to switch to the Unicode font. All the TAM pages in our Tamil web were switched over to ‘Unicode’. From Sri Hanumanth Jayanthi of 2009 all our Tamil pages were uploaded in Unicode and were searchable by many engines. This clearly attracted more visitors for our Tamil pages.

Geocities, who were till then hosting our web for free, sent notices to all Geocities site holders that they will be closing the services soon and asked us to look for alternative. We explored the availability of service that we can switch over to. Many of the services now known as ‘blog’ offered the space for free, but we had to use one of the designs provided by them. This we felt is a handicap for our needs and especially for our Tamil pages. Though we could not afford, we thought of taking a Web Domain with a url “”. Then the announcement came from Yahoo that they will be closing Geocities from October of that year. Came October, and on 27th October 2009 Yahoo pulled out Geocities.

We at Vayusutha are thankful to the Yahoo for hosting our pages for free from August 2000 till 27th October 2009 in their Geocities web site.

As of now we had putout information about nearly eighty Sri Hanuman temples and many articles in praise of the Lord. We are happy to host this site inspite of small drawbacks. We continue to host these pages with the intention to propagate the glory of Lord Anjaneya [Hanuman]. When we look at our visitors, their mails and messages to us we get a satisfaction of achieving at least a portion of our motto of propagating the glory of the Lord.

We are grateful to those viewers who had written article on Sri Hanuman Temples for our site. We pray to Lord Sri Anjaneya to give them all prosperity.

We anticipate that more viewers will participate in this endeavour of ours by giving us information about Sri Hanuman temples of their native place, town of living and the temples not covered by us so far.

We will be too happy if viewers could post their comments in our “GUEST BOOK”.

As long as HE wishes we will continue with full co-operation from our viewers.




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& His Temples from all over India