Old-many many centuries old — is the Ramayana. Ramayana is the earliest known epic written in the Sanskrit language by Adi Kavi Valmiki. The original work of Valmiki describes the virtues of Lord Rama as the central character. The epic had been retold by many others in different indian languages later. Kalidasa had written Raghuvamsa in Sanskrit, Tulsidas' Ramacharithra Manas in Awadhi, Kamban in Tamil, to mention a few. The epic had been translated in English aswell, and also in many other foreign languages as well. If there is any other character, which equally attracts the attention of the reader of Ramayana it is that of Lord Hanuman.
Valmiki had chosen to give a physical form of a monkey to this immaculately perfect character. Hanuman though given the vanara roopa, possesses characters of a perfect man and no imperfection had been found in him. Monkeys are known for the restlessness and unsteadiness, but in Hanuman there was no trace of chanchalathva or asthirathva. In fact, he is ajattya meaning a very active being and a go-getter, and there was nothing that was impossible for Him to achieve. With such qualities one would wonder whether he is a monkey or "Va-nara" meaning, "is he a man?". He is the embodiment of all best characters and virtues one would like to possess not only spiritually but also in a worldly sense. He had knowledge, physical strength, brawn, courage, non-fearing, healthy, active, wisdom, eloquence in speech, humility, celibacy, magnanimity, presence of mind, valour, and total surrender in devotion combined. All this he dedicated to his Lord with Bhakti, and it was his humility and realisation of Paramathma in Lord Rama, and total surrender to Lord Rama that made Hanuman from "Va-nara" to a "Super man" to "Devatha". A "Kamaroopi".
Hanuman is known as "Kamaroopi" meaning one who could take any physical form at the desired time. Hanuman is known as "Kamaroopi", not just because he can change the physical form. Even with his monkey outfit constant he had assumed positions of eminence, by his actions. Therefore, it could be interpreted that Hanuman was a "Kamaroopi" by virtue of the changes that he brought about internally in accomplishing the purpose of his existence — namely to realise the Paramathman and to surrender to the Lord — without of course changes in the external form. Else it could be interpreted that a person of eminence and virtues had taken an anatomical form of a monkey hence he is a "Kamaroopi". If the word "Kamaroopi" is spelled as "Kama — roopi" it could be interpreted as "a person with loving figure". But in the case of rakshasas who are also known as "Kamaroopi"s, it is that they can change their physical form only. How delicately and beautifully Valmiki has handled this character, "Kamaroopi" is to be enjoyed, felt, relished and realised.
We see men roaming around like animals without education and knowledge, but here is a monkey that had studied from a no lesser a Guru than Lord Surya himself. "Vidya thathyathi vinayam" is the saying. The knowledge imparted by Surya to Hanuman had made him so, that at the first meeting itself Lord Rama had assessed Hanuman to be a profound chathurvedi, and a navavyakarna panditha.
It is interesting to note that Hanuman, the Kamaroopi, had taken the roopa of a student when he first met Lord Rama,
because of his accomplished astamasiddhis. The love and recognition for each other eventually led to Lord Rama choosing Hanuman to
be his emissary to Lanka.
Sri Rama choice of Sri Anjaneya as his emissary is influenced by the abilities of Sri Anjaneya aptly suiting the role of an emissary, rather than the love and the liking Sri Rama had for Sri Anjaneya. Qualities like expressing the thoughts clearly and cogently without any ambiguity, the way the presentation is structured, the modulation of tone, the language that is required to be used for the occasion, eloquence in speech are some of the prerequisite for a good emissary. These qualities which were identified with Hanuman the "Va-nara" by Lord Rama hence he was chosen for the job.
Hanuman, the Kamaroopi, when entering Lanka takes a small figure and moves about in the palace without making any noise, is a manifestation of anima siddhi Hanuman finally meets Sita Devi in the Asoka vatika in a state of distress, and had to save Sita Devi from committing suicide. After a great deliberation on how to save Sita and to tell her that he is the emissary of her lord, he decides upon reciting the Rama charithra for diverting the attention of Sita Devi. What happens if the rakshasis sitting around Sita Devi hear that? Therefore, Hanuman the Kamaroopi decides to use the tenants vasithva siddhi to keep them in Tranquilised State before reciting the Rama charithra.
On hearing her lord's name Sita Devi looks at Hanuman. She was doubtful about the vanara, who was sitting on the Shimsubha tree, for she feared it could be Ravana the Kamaroopi in vanara roopa. But concludes it can't be illusion, since the monkey is talking with a clear vision. This meeting brings to end all sorrows Sita was undergoing as she comes to know of the welfare of Lord Rama. While conversing with Hanuman she wants to know how is that he could cross over the ocean with his small features. In reply Hanuman the Kamaroopi takes the viswaroopa - an exposition of mahima siddhi.
Later in the battle field when Lakshmana was breathless Hanuman had to fly to the Himalayas to bring the Sanjeevinibooti. In contrast to the large physical form taken by him while the crossing the ocean to reach the Lanka, here Hanuman flies to the Himalayas and back to Lanka with the entire Sanjeevi mountain in his hand in no time. The Hanuman the Kamaroopi had achieved this by making his body weightless — a true feat of Lahima siddhi.
Hanuman the Kamaroopi was able to perform all these miracles with ease since he had totally surrendered himself to Lord Rama, and had only one thing in his thought that is "Ramaya Tubhyam Namah".
Kamaroopaye Thubhyam Namah||
|| Sri Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram ||
|| Sri Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram ||
click for brief on Sri Kathyayini priyan
ED [13th January 2002]