Sri Varaha moorthi and Sri Venkateswara
As per legend, Sri Maha Vishnu took the avatar of Varaha Moorthi to save the earth from the demon Hiranyaksha. Having saved the earth Sri Vishnu stayed on the hill now known by the name Tirumala as Sri Varaha moorthi. Hence Tirumala Hills is also referred to as Adi Varaha kshetra.
At the beginning of the present Yuga Kali Yuga, Sri Maha Vishnu descended on earth in search of His consort Mahalakshmi as Sri Venkateshvara. In this form, he settled in Tirumalai with the consent of Sri Varaha Moorthi. In reverence to this act, the offerings of puja and naivedyam are first tendered to Sri Varaha Moorthi and then to Sri Venkateswara at this kshetra.
Swami Pushkarni and Varahaswamy_Temple, Tirumlai
Sri Venkateswara Swamy Temple is located to the south of Sri Varahaswamy Temple. There is a huge temple tank known as Swami Pushkarni adjoining these two temples. Although the tank seems to be one, the tank opposite Sri Varahaswamy Temple is known as Sri Varaha Pushkarni, and the tank adjacent to the south is known as Srinivasa Pushkarni. Devotees know this by Swami Pushkarni. Legend has this that the pushkarni had been brought from Sri Vaikuntam to Tirumala by Garuda.
Sri Varahaswamy Temple is located in the North West corner of the Swami Pushkarni. Opposite this temple, Sudarshan Chakra can be seen in Varaha Pushkarni. On the northern bank of this pushkarni, Vyasa Ahniika Mantapam and the eastern bank shrine for Sri Anjaneya are seen.
With the Pushkarni surrounded by temples, it will be interesting to see how the ‘Ahniika Mantapam’ came into being on the northern bank of this holy temple Pushkarni. While the word Ahniika acquires different meanings according to the context of use, and in general, it could be taken as ‘ a religious ceremony [to be] performed every day’. First let us refresh some important details about Vyasa i.e., Sri Vyasaraja.
Vyasaraja Tirtha
With the blessings of Sri Brahmanya Tirtha the pontiff of Sri Purvadi mutt, a male child was born to Bannur couples. They named the child as Yatiraja. The child was blessed with one who was given sanyasa under the diksha name Vyasa Tirtha by Sri Brahmanya Tirtha. He compounded his knowledge by further studies in philosophy at Kanchi and also under Sri Sripadaraja Tirtha at Mulbagal. Under the direction of Sri Sripadaraja Tirtha, the Saluva king Narasimha honored Sri Vyasa Tirtha and made him Rajaguru. Thereafter he came to be known as Sri Vyasaraja Tirtha.
Brief biography can be read in our web page : Vyasaraja Tirtha
Sri Vyasaraja Tirtha had lived in Tirumlai for twelve years to perform the pooja of Sri Venkateswara Swami. Apart from performing the pooja for Sri Venkateswara Swami, he had his daily routine pooja of Sri Moola Gopala Krishna. Therefore as the name ‘Ahniika Mantapam’ suggests he had stayed on the north bank of the Pushkarni to perform the pooja of Sri Venkateswara without compromising his daily routine.
About his learning under Sri Sripadaraja Tirtha at Mulbagal read in our web page: Sri Sripadaraja Tirtha
Today many of the Hanumath Devotees know of him for being the rajaguru of one of the great kings of Vijayanagara Samrajya [kingdom] Sri Krishnadevaraya. For having built 732 temples for Sri Anjaneya. Spreading the worship of Sri Hanuman brought out the bravery and confidence of the people of that time, which was the need of the time then. Under the request of Sri Krishnadevaraya, he was performing the pooja of Sri Venkateswara Swami for twelve years staying in Tirumalai.
Vyasaraja in Tirumalai
Sri Vyasaraja Tirtha had lived in Tirumlai for twelve years to perform the pooja of Sri Venkateswara Swami. Apart from performing the pooja for Sri Venkateswara Swami, he had his daily routine pooja of Sri Moola Gopala Krishna. Readers may kindly see Sri Sripadaraja Tirtha mutt, to know pooja of Sri Moola Gopala Krishna by Sri Vyasa Tirtha. Therefore as the name “Ahniika Mantapam” suggests he had stay put himself in the north bank of the Pushkarni to enable performing the pooja of Sri Venkateswara without compromising his daily routine.
Devotees can see Sri Pranadevaru [Anjaneya] installed [pratisthapana] in the mantapam. The priest from Sri Vyasamutt, Tirumalai performs the daily poojas for Sri Pranadevaru.
Sri Pranadevaru [Anjaneya]
Sri Mukhyaprana [Sri Anjaneya] idol sculpted as a full vigraha is placed on a stone platform about three feet high. A channel for abhisheka water to flow out is also seen on the platform.
Lord is seen in a standing position with His hands in Anjali posture. Lord is wearing hollow anklet [thandai] and chain anklet [nupur] in His lotus feet. Another ornament is seen above the anklet, and the dhoti in ‘katcham’ style flows up to heels covering His legs. If these two are looked at together, it seems the Lord is ready to dance for the bhajan.
This scene is reminiscent of Sri Vyasaraja Theerthar's first encounter with Sri Moola Gopala Krishna at Mulbagal.
The folded hands are seen with a hollow wrist bracelet [kankan] on the wrist and an upper bracelet [keyur] on the upper arm. An ornament known as ‘bhuja valaya’ covers His shoulders. In His bosom are seen two garlands. Yagyopavit with mujia is also seen across His bosom. In the long ears, one could see the ear pendant jiggling. There is a chain-like ornament dandling from over His ears. While much of the kesam is tucked under the crown He is wearing, some portion of the kesam is flowing near the shoulder. The tail is not visible as it is in the back and drops near His feet with a curve at the end.
With the bubbly cheek, long chin, and long ears Lord attracts the devotee. Big bright eyes showers blessings on the devotees.
Location of the temple: "Sri Vyasaraya Aahnika Mantapam, Tirumalai"
Ed [August 2024]
Updates: [Jan 2025]