Mulbagal is a highway town in the Kolar District of Karnataka. It is about 35 kilometers from the main Kolar city. This ancient city lies on the main highway connecting Bangalore and Tirupati. At one point in time, this place was occupied by Vedic scholars. The Vedic centers had the patronage of the past kings especially that of Vijayanagara samrajya. The place is glorified well before the Mahabharata days.
Name Mulbagal
Since this is the easternmost frontier of the traditional state of Mysuru, it got the name Mudalabagilu. Mudalabagilu means ‘eastern door’ in the Kannada language. Mudalabagilu became Mulabagilu now anglicized as Mulbagal.
Evolution to the present Mulbagal
The earlier names of this place were Bhaskara kshetra, Kadalisha-van, and Arjunapuram. This place had been sanctified during the Treta Yuga. Sage Vasishta, the kula guru of ikshvaku vamsa had installed Rama-Sita-Lakshmana deities here during Treta Yuga. During Dwapara Yuga, the deity of Sri Srinivasa had been installed here. After the Mahabharata war, Sri Arjuna had been ordained to install the deity of Sri Anjaneya as a dedication to Lord Sri Anjaneya who was present in the flag post of his chariot.
As stated earlier this place occupied a destination of a learning center of Veda by many scholars. It will be appropriate to remember the great Vedic scholar Sripadaraja Theertha who had brought this place to the limelight. His scholarliness was honoured by the then king of Vijayanagar Sri Saluva Narasimha Deva Raya.
The king of Vijayanagar Sri Saluva Narasimha Deva Raya considered Sripadaraja as his guru and offered all royal honours to him. He had performed Ratna-abhishekam to Guru Sri Sripadaraja.
For brief biography of Sri Sripadaraja kindly click here.
Sri Vyasaraja and Sripadaraja at Mulbagal
Sripadaraja mutt at Bazar Street is the place where Sripadaraja had initially stayed and taught his disciples. He made prathistapana of Sri Lakshminarayana devaru at this place. It was here Sri Sripadaraja became the vidya guru of young Sri Vyasaraja. These two great saints were blessed by the celestial showering of flowers on them. The spot where this had happened has been commemorated by planting a tulsi plant at this premise. Sri Vyasaraja had spent twelve years studying under Sripadaraja.
Sri Vyasatheertha becomes raja guru
As stated earlier, Sripadaraja was given the status of Rajaguru by the emperor of Vijayanagara samrajya. At one stage the emperor was requesting Sripadaraja to move to the capital of Vijayanagar itself. He had declined to move from Mulbagul as he was aging. He suggested the Sri Vyasatheertha as an alternative.
Sripadaraja had selected this place because of the sanctity of the Sri Yoga Narasimha Swamy’s sannidhyam . Sripadaraja and Sri Vyasa Theertha had lived here during their time. At a ripe age, Sripadaraja desired to have Ganga-snana , ie dip in the Ganges River. When Ganga Matha came to know of his desire, she appeared before him and said that she would come to Narasimha Theertha and stay there forever.
With time, Sri Vyasaraja became the Raja-Guru of the Vijayanagara Empire. Although there was a change of guard in the kingdom from the Sangama dynasty to the Thuluva dynasty, Sri Vyasaraja continued to be the Raja Guru and advised the kings.
Ganga in Mulbagul
Sripadaraja mutt is presently functioning from the place called Narasimha Theertham on the outskirts of Mulbagul. Sripadaraja had settled his ashram at this place where Sri Yoga Narasimha Swamy established by Sri Akshobya Theertha is present. Sripadaraja had selected this place because of the sanctity of the Sri Yoga Narasimha Swamy’s sannidhyam . Sripadaraja and Sri Vyasa Theertha had lived here during their time. At a ripe age, Sripadaraja desired to have Ganga-snana, ie dip in the Ganges River. When Ganga Matha came to know of his desire, she appeared before him and said that she would come to Narasimha Theertha and stay there forever. Thus it is true that taking a dip in Sri Narasimha theertham is as good as taking a dip in the Ganges.
Sripadaraja has his Brindavana at this place. There is a ‘Vyasa Cave’ where Sri Vyasaraja performed penance. The cave faces the Brindavana of his vidya guru Sripadaraja.
Sri Vyasa Theertha and Sri Hanuman
It is a well-known fact that Sri Vyasatheertha had built many temples for Sri Hanuman in various places in South India. This immense task of installing [pratisthapana] Sri Anjaneya at various places was started by installing the first Sri Hanuman pratisthapana in Mulbagal. Sri Vyasaraya had installed the first Hanuman vigraha near the very same place where his vidya guru had installed Sri Lakshmi Narayan in Mulbagal town.Sri Sripadaraja pratisthapita Sri Lakshmi Narayan Swamy sannidhi is facing east. Sri Vyasaraja Pratisthapita Sri Anjaneya sannidhi is very nearby and is facing south. Details of this had been covered in our site in the article 'Sripadaraja mutt, Bazar Vidhi, Mulbagal'. Kindly visit the page for details.
Sri Vyasaraja had established Sri Hanuman in Narasimha Theertham at Mulbagul. Sri Vyasaraja had chosen the spot for this near the sannidhana of Sri Narasimha Swamy established by Sri Akshobya Theertha and worshiped by Sripadaraja Theertha. This is the second Hanuman pratishtapana by Sri Vyasaraja.
Sri Anjaneya of this kshetra
The deity of Lord Sri Anjaneya Swamy of this kshetra is about nine feet tall and made of hard granite stone. He is in a walking posture and the carving is of ‘ardha shila’ type. Lord is seen walking westward with His left lotus foot in the front. His right lotus foot is seen slightly raised from the ground. Both His feet are adorning nupuram and thandai. He is wearing a dhoti in a katcham style, held by the ornamental waist belt. His left hand is seen near the left hip, holding the stem of the sowgandika flower. The flower is seen above His left shoulder. A bracelet on the wrist and nupuram on the upper arm is seen. He is wearing ornaments which adorn His bosom. Lord is wearing yagnopaveetham and uttariyam. With His other hand raised above He showers blessings on His devotees. The tail of the Lord is raised above His head with a curved end. The Lord is wearing kundal in His ears which is touching His shoulder. His kesam is neatly tied into tuft is held by an ornate ‘kesa-bhada’.His lustrous eyes are emitting karuna on the devotee.
Location of the temple: "Sripadaraja mutt, Narasimha Theertham, Mulbagal"
Present yourself in front of Him. The sannidhyam of Sri Yoga Narasimha and Sri Mukhyaprana can be felt. Ask for nothing. Pray for nothing. Meditate, contemplate. Reflect upon what you have achieved till now. You will be guided to a new height in the righteous way.
Ed [October 2021]
Updates: [Jan 2025]