Brief biography of Hanumath devotees

Sri Raghuttama Teertharu

Sri Raghuvarya Teertharu

Sri Raghuvarya Teertharu, great Guru in the lineage of the Sri Uttaradhi mutt, had spread the message of Sri Madhvacharya’s dwita philosophy throughout the Bharat vansh. Sri Raghunatha Teertharu was his predecessor in the lineage of the mutt.

The miracle that took place during his tour will show us the greatness of this Guru. When Guru was to cross the river Bhimarathi near the village Manipur, his entour was besieged by the men of the king's army. Guru carried the pooja box on his shoulders and tried to cross the river. To the astonishment of all, the river gave way, which resembled the the incident when Yamuna gave way to Sri Vasudeva carrying Lord Sri Krishna.

On an auspicious day Guru was given direction by the Sri Moola Rama, the deity of the mutt that the mutt should bring-up the child born in the village Swarnavadi, since child is reincarnation of Sri Nirutti. As per this divine direction, Sri Raghuvarya Teertharu went to village Swarnavadi.


Nirutti is the guardian of the south-west direction of Vaikunta. In accordance with the Taratamya stotra, he is the purvashrama sister of Sri Madhvacharya. Nirutti occupies the seventeenth position in the taratamya. In the kali yuga, Nirutti devata, who is on equal taratamya as that of Pravahi, Mithra, Tara, and others, was ordained to come to the earth as Sri Raghuttama teertharu. It may be mentioned here that Nirutti is one of the thousand Nama of Sri Mukhya Praana [Sri Anjaneya].

Birth of the Golden Child

In the village of Swarnavati he was received with all honors. As per the tradition, the saints accept ‘Bhiksha’ from the people who are having children. Sri Subba Batha, who was a zamindar of the village, and his wife Gangabai were not blessed with any child. When they offered Bhiksha to Guru Sri Raghuvarya Teertharu, the saint refused as per the tradition. But after days of persuasion, the saint told the couple that he can accept their Bhiksha provided the firstborn male child of theirs is handed over to the mutt. The couple took the blessing of the saint and accepted to handover the child to the mutt. Sri Raghuvarya Teertharu performed the pooja of Sri Moola Rama and accepted the Bhiksha offered in the house of the couple. The saint gave Phala Mantrakshate to the couple.

Sometime later, the news spread that the couple was to be blessed with a child, and Sri Gangabai is pregnant now. Once the news reached the mutt, Sri Raghuvarya Teertharu ordered that a big golden plate be made and sent to the couple, with the instruction to receive the child directly in the golden plate without allowing the child to touch the earth.

When a male child was born to the couple Sri Subba Batha and Sri Gangabai, he was received on the golden plate, allowing the child not to touch the earth first. As vouched by the couple, they gave the child to the mutt.

Sri Ramachandra

The child was named Sri Ramachandra by Sri Raghuvarya Teertharu and was brought up in the mutt. The main feed for the child was Abhishekha milk of the main deity of the mutt. The boy was in the company of many scholars of the mutt. When the boy attained the age of seven, as per the tradition, on an auspicious day the upanayanam was performed.

Sri Raghuttama Teertharu

After a year, Sri Ramachandra was initiated into sanyasa under the deksha name Sri Raghuttama Teertharu. Sri Raghuttama Teertharu received his initial studies directly from his Guru, Sri Raghuvarya Teertharu. Then, as per the direction of Sri Raghuvarya Teertharu, he studied Nyaya Sudha and Vedhantha from the learned pundit Sri Adya Varadacharya of the mutt.

Blessing to Sri Teertharu by his Guru

Sri Adya Varadacharya becomes proud of teaching the Guru of the Mutt, and pride got into him. Sri Teertharu got worried because of this and went for vishram that night. In the wee hours of the next day, God himself appeared in the dream in the form of his guru Shri Raghuvarya Teertha and inscribed the symbolical letters on the tongue of Shri Raghuttama Teertharu and blessed him that he would be a master of philosophical wisdom and that he could commence teaching his disciples straight away. Further, he was directed in his dream that he should abandon his too simple life and commence a life of pomp and status, having a number of servants, establishments, professionals, elephants, etc. to make the Shri Matha a strong and powerful centre of religious and philosophical learning. The next day onwards, at the usual time of lectures, Shri Raghuttama Teertha himself started to deliver impressive lectures on Nyaya Sudha in a mellifluent voice, which was sweeter than honey.

He wrote his five works titled “Bhava Bhoda” in Srirangam. He sought the approval of Sri Anjaneya for the commentary written by him every time. By nodding his head, Sri Anjaneya gave approval.

Garvabhaga of Sri Varadacharya

The elucidatory manner in which the teachings and the inner meaning of Nyaya Sudha were explained by Sri Teertharu made his disciples void of any doubts. One day Pundit Varadacharya, who had certain doubts in a portion of Nyaya Sudha, hid himself to listen to the clarification offered by Sri Teertharu. After listening to the elucidation given by Sri Teertharu, his doubts were dispelled, and he fell at the feet of Sri Raghuttama Teertharu and sought pardon. Sri Teertharu comforted Sri Varadacharya and decreed that he would receive the first teertham of mutt.


Once Sri Raghuttama Teertharu, a devotee of Sri Mukhya Praana [Sri Hanuman], was passing through a forest with his disciples, and a gang of highway robbers attacked the convoy. Sri Teertharu went into mediation [of Sri Hanuman!]. Suddenly, the robbers were enveloped by forest fire [Rakshasas surrounded by fire in Lanka!]. The robbers then realised the greatness of Sri Teertharu and sought pardon for their action. Compassionate Sri Teertharu saved them. Many such extraordinary miracles had taken place during his lifetime.

Sri Mukhya Praana [Sri Anjaneya] and Sri Raghuttama Teertharu

Sri Raghuttama Teertharu, a devotee of Sri Mukhya Praana [Sri Hanuman], expounded the Dwitha philosophy of Sri Madhvacharya through his works. Of this, his five works titled “Bhava Bhoda” are great works that bring out the nature and hidden meanings of the works of Sri Madhvacharya and Sri Jayatirtha.

Brihadaranya Bhavabhoda, Nyaya Vivarana Bhavabhoda, Gitabhashya Bhavabhoda (Prameya Dipika Bhavabhoda), Vishnutatvanirnaya Bhavabhoda, and Tattvaprakashika Bhavabhoda are the five Bhavabodhas written by him. This gave him the name Bhavabodhakararu.

While writing these great works in Srirangam in Tamil Nadu, he sought the approval of Sri Anjaneya every time. Whenever he sought approval, Sri Anjaneya nodded his head and gave approval. All these works have the approval of Sri Mukhya Praana.

Readers may like to read our article "Sri Bhavabodha Anjaneya Swamy Temple, Srirangam, Tamil Nadu" for more information.


Sri Raghuttama Teertharu desired to enter the Brindavana at Manampundi (Thirkoilur) on the banks of the river South Pinakini (Pennar), which is in Villupuram District of present-day Tamil Nadu. This place is also known as "Pancha Krishnaranya Kshetra." Shri Raghuttama Teertharu entered Brindavana in 1595 AD on the day of Vaikunta Ekadashi.


|| Hari sarvothamaha Vayu jeevothmaha ||
||Mukhya Praanantargata Sitapati Sri Ramachandra preeyataam||

Ed [November 2013]


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