Temple for Self emerged deity of Sri Rama, Parasurama consecrated Lakshmana

Hanuman of Vilwadrinathan Temple, Tiruvilwamala, Trichur, Kerala

gk kaushik

Sri Vilwadrinathan Temple<br/> Tiruvilwamala, Trichur, Kerala :: courtesy- Wiki Commons


Kerala is known as "God's own land". Legend has it that Kerala is a part of the land created by Lord Parasurama by annexing it to the mainland from the sea by throwing an axe into the sea. The western range of mountains forms the eastern boundary of the state. It is seen to be believed the beauty of the land. Tiruvilwamala is a small range of mountains situated in Talappilly Taluk of Trichur district near the Nela River popularly known as Bharatha Puzha. It is said that the mountain range gets its name Vilwamala because it is believed there exists a golden vilwa tree [three petal leaves used for worshiping Lord Siva] under the mountain.

There are three popular Sri Rama temples in Kerala. Tiruvilwamala, Triprayar and Tiruvangad. Of the three Sri Rama of Vilwamala is self emerged [swamyambu]. Sri Rama of this kshetra is called "Vilwadrinathan" after the name of the place Tiruvilwamala. Another uniqueness of this kshetra, there is a separate shrine for Sri Lakshmana.


Vilwadrinathan Temple enterance, Tiruvilwamala, Trichur Sri Vilwadri Mahatma, a Sanskrit text with eighteen chapters, describes the origin of this ancient temple which houses two deities of Lord Maha Vishnu. Sri Parasurama killed all the Kshatriyas and thus incurred a lot of sin. On praying to Lord Siva, he was given the deity of Lord Vishnu which Sri Siva himself was worshipping. Sri Parasurama found the westernmost end of the Vilwamala to be a suitable place for consecrating Lord Vishnu's deity for worship. Maybe because there is a golden vilwa tree under this mountain. This is the earliest temple on the site to have been built. Presently the idol consecrated by Sri Parasurama is in the eastern sanctum. The stone image is about three feet in height is pleasing to the eyes and very charming, especially when decorated with the bare minimum ornaments.

According to the same text, the second idol which is in the western sanctum is self emerged ie., "swamyambu". Saint Aamalakan, son of Saint Kashyapa was meditating on Lord Maha Vishnu for His darshan chanting - Rama – the taraka mantra. King of Devas Indra not knowing the intention of the penance undertaken by the Aamalakan, took some initiative to interrupt the penance of the Saint in vain. Saint Kashyapa explained that his son has no desire except to attain unstinted devotion to Lord Maha Vishnu. While Devatas were pleased with the assurance of Saint Kashyapa, asuras became quires and disturbed the penance of Saint Aamalakan. When at his end of patience the saint opened his eyes, the asuras were turned into ashes and then into rock. It is said that the rock at the southeast corner of the temple is a heap of ashes that turned into rock and hence named "rakshasapaarai".

The self-emerged deity at the west sanctum at the request of the Aamalakan who was chanting the taraka mantra – Rama – this idol is regarded as Sri Rama. The Mahavishnu idol consecrated by Sri Parasurama is regarded as that of Sri Lakshmana.

Maha Vishnu pleased with the penance of Aamalakan appeared before him along with Sri Devi [Lakshmi] and Sri Bhuma Devi, with Adishesha as His canopy. Sri Aamalakan was spellbound on his seeing the Lord, overwhelmed with joy could not utter a word. Sri Maha Vishnu asked him to seek any boon he wished. Aamalakan said he wished noting- not even Swarga, but unstinted devotion towards God. Boon was granted by the Lord and as per the wishes of Aamalakan Lord had transformed His image as seen by Aamalakan as a deity at the very place. Since self emerged deity at the west sanctum at the request of the Aamalakan who was chanting the taraka mantra – Rama – this idol is regarded as Sri Rama. The Mahavishnu idol consecrated by Sri Parasurama is regarded as that of Sri Lakshmana.

Sri Rama - Swamyambu idol

Vilwadrinathan Temple prakaram, Tiruvilwamala, Trichur The idol in the Western sanctum is about five feet in height. The deity is permanently covered and protected with gold plates. It is said that when attempting to remove the cover the idol got slightly damaged, hence the golden cover is now never removed. Sri Vilwadrinathan is seen as He appeared before saint Aamalakan. His right hand holds a disc [sudharshan] the other right holds a lotus, while His left arm holds a conch [Sangu] the other left is seen resting on the mace [gadha]. Sri Devi and BhuDevi are seen standing next to Him. All of them are seen protected by the Adishesha as their canopy. It is believed that below this sanctum there is a cave and a golden Vilwa tree. Therefore Sri Rama of this kshetra is called Sri Vilwadrinathan. It is worthy to note that Sri Vilwamangalathu Swamiyar had sung in praise of the Lord of this kshetra addressing the Lord as "Vilwadrinatha".

Sri Hanuman shrine of this kshetra

When the fame of this kshetra reached high devotees and saints were drawn to this place by the sheer power of these two deities. The wicked forces [ravanathigal] could not tolerate this and started working negatively. On one occasion their leader disguised as a Brahmin entered the sanctum of the west shrine to displace the idol. To the surprise of the evil forces, there was a tremendous tremor at that moment at that place. Ravanathigals went hither and slither, they ran for the shelter and found a cave, and entered it. It is believed that evil forces are trapped inside the cave by none other than, Sri Vilwadrinathan [Sri Rama] and a big rock covers the entrance of the cave.

There was a Rajagopuram on the Eastern side of the temple compound. After it was struck by the lighting and destroyed, it was never rebuilt. There were instances of fire at this sacred temple. It is believed that Sri Hanuman descended on this kshetra and started protecting the kshetra. After this Sri Hanuman deity was installed facing west, near the then Rajagopuram. After the installation of Sri Hanuman at this kshetra as protector of this temple complex there were no untoward instances.

Sri Hanuman of this kshetra

The idol of Sri Hanuman of this kshetra is just less than three feet in height. Lord Hanuman's standing posture itself so graceful with His left leg slightly bent, as if He is ever ready to come out of the shrine for the help of His devotees. Lord Hanuman is seen in the standing posture with his face slightly tilted is so graceful to see and a feast to the eyes. Hanuman's beautiful eyes just looking at the devotee are magnanimously showing grace. He wears a crown and beautiful ornaments adorn His shoulders, neck, arms, waist, and ankles feet. Lord Hanuman's hand is showing a 'dhrjani mudra' meaning that the Lord is great and one. Sri Hanuman is the guard of this kshetra and Sri Vilwadrinatha [Sri Rama] is the beloved of one and all who visit this temple.


Location of the temple:       "Sri Vilwadrinathan Temple, Tiruvilwamala"


Visit this kshetra of Sri Rama who is present along with Sri Devi Bhu Devi Lakshmana and Sri Hanuman. The breathtaking picturesque scenery of Kerala and Tiruvilwamala will make you feel heavenly, take the blessings of Sri Rama Parivar, and feel the contentment like Saint Aamalakan.


Ed [July 2010]
Updates: [Jan 2025]


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