Pazhaiyaarai very near Kumbakonam was once the capital of the Cholas in the 9th century. The area
around Pazhaiyaarai had many important temples built by the various Chola Kings during their time.
Today there are few ruins of the then great spectacular temples in this once capital town of the great
Chola kingdom. Sri Somanathar temple, Vadatali alias Vallalaar temple, Keezattai, and Metrali are a
few examples of the archeological value in the present Pazhaiyaarai. Many temples were sung by the
Sivet saints and are known as Tevara Talams. The temples at Patteeswaram, Satthi Mutham, Darasuram,
and Thirunalloor are a few Tevara Talams adjusting the Pazhaiyaarai. Even after shifting the capital
to Thanjavur the kings of the Chola dynasty had continued to show their interest in Pazhaiyaarai.
The area around present Pazhaiyaarai, Pattiswaram, Satthi Mutham, was the then Pazhaiyaarai Many temples were built around the Pazhaiyaarai during the ninth century and then twelve-thirteenth century by the Chola kings many of them had Lord Shiva as presiding deity, where is there was one temple built by them for Lord Vishnu.
Sri Gopinatha Swamy temple
One such spectacular and grand temple of yesteryear near Patteeswaram is Sri Gopinatha Swamy temple. It is said to have had seven raja gopurams (towers) in different directions and was spread over a huge area. The temple had been well taken care of and maintained by the different Cholas including Kolothunga III. Many kings other than Cholas had also added many structures and built additional mandaps (halls) to the temple. Even after the vandal of the temple by Malikaffur, the Vijayanagara kings had renovated the temple. Today the temple is in shambles. The main raja gopuram facing Patteeswaram is of two tires and remains of the original seven-tire tower, and shrubs had grown on the towers. There is a structural remains of the another tower just in the back of the main temple. The main temple housing Sri Gopinatha Swamy along with His consort Sri Rukmani and Sri Satyabhama itself requires a lot of repairs. The temple is under the administrative control of Establishment Officer, Pattiswaram.
Patteeswaram Sri Gopinatha Swamy temple is said to have had seven raja gopurams (towers) in different directions and was spread over a huge area. The temple had been well taken care of and maintained by the different Cholas including Kolothunga III. Different kings other than Cholas had also added many structures and built additional mandaps (halls) to the temple.
Sri Anjaneya and Sri Bhima
While much could be said about the temple there is an interesting legend to this place connecting Sri Anjaneya Swamy and Sri Bhima. This place once had a beautiful tank surrounded by banana trees. The tank is unique since here every day a water Lilly with one thousand petals is used to bloom spreading the fragrance everywhere. Sri Anjaneya Swamy once was meditating Sri Rama nama tharagam sitting on the bank of the tank. Sri Bhima on the request of his wife Sri Drupathi went in search of such flower and had traced the fragrance to this site.
He saw a monkey sitting with his big long tail on the way to the tank and asked the monkey to give way to the great hero Bhima. Sri Anjaneya felt that Bhima was speaking in a tone of arrogance, he needed to be tamed down. Sri Anjaneya said that he is old and cannot lift his tail therefore Bhima can help himself by putting the tail out of the way. Thinking that the old monkey's tail could be lifted with ease, Bhima tried and failed once. He now had put all his energy together and tried and again failed. Bhima then realised that the monkey was no ordinary monkey, and could be Sri Anjaneya.
Seeing that Bhima had realised his mistake and in an act of repentance offered pranams to Sri Anjaneya, Sri Anjaneya revealed to him, His roopa. Sri Anjaneya had then offered him the Sahasrathala Pankajam- a flower with a thousand petals to Bhima.
Sri Anjaneya Swamy of this temple
There are many temples with Sri Anjaneya as the main deity this temple has Sri Gopinatha Swamy as the
main deity. But today this temple is known for the twin Anjaneya Swamy deity it houses. These twin
Anjaneya swamis are housed in a separate sannidhi for devotees to worship. The renovation of
this huge temple is a big task involving efforts, and convergence of man and material power. The main
plank for which had been provided by the twin Anjaneyas of this temple. Probably since the effort
required is more, Sri Anjaneya is present in the temple in twin. This is the kshetra where Sri
Anjaneya met Bhima in dwapara yuga when Sri Gopinatha Swamy (Sri Krishna) was Bhimas' mentor.
Therefore Sri Anjaneya probably found it to be befitting to originate the renovation of this ancient
temple. Both the deities of Sri Anjaneya look alike, holding Sahasrathala Pankajam in their
left hand while with their raised right hand they bless the devotees of Abhya.
Location of the temple: "Sri Gopinath Swamy Temple,Patteswara, Kumbakonam"
Sri Anjaneya of this kshetra is the storehouse of energy, compassion, and kindness.
Ed [October 2007]
Updates: [Jan 2025]