Sri Varadharaja Swami temple of Kanchi
Sri Varadharaja Swami temple is one of the Divya Desam in the city of Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu. This temple along with Ekambareswarar Temple and Kamakshi Amman Temple in Kanchipuram is popularly known as Mumurtivasam (abode of trio). Sri Varadharaja Swami temple is one of the main temples that every Vishnu devotee would like to visit during his lifetime. The temple is also known for the ‘Athi Varadhar’ the deity replica of Sri Varadharaja Swamy carved in fig wood, which is taken out of the temple tank every forty years for forty-eight days and worshiped.
The temple had received the patronisation of all dynasties. Many kings of various dynasties like Chola, Pandya, Kandavarayas, Cheras, Kakatiya, Sambuvaraya, Hoysala, and Vijayanagara had made many contributions, and various other donations to the temple during their time.
The temple is huge in area and has many sannidhis for various deities. Many scenes from Srimath Ramayanam and Mahabaratham had been depicted in mandapams and walls of the sannidhis enhancing the beauty of the temple.
The festivals of the temple
Every month there is a grand festival in this temple and the Perumal goes in procession in the city to give darshan to devotees. Three of these festivals are famous, the Brahmotsavam is conducted during the Tamil month of Vaigasi [May/June], the Navaratri festival is conducted during Purattasi [September/October] and the Sri Jayanthi festival is conducted during Avani [August/September]. The devotees participate in these festivals with enchantment and gaiety.
Details about the Brahmotsvam of this temple may kindly be seen on the 'Hanuman temple, Gangaikondan mandapam, Kanchipuram’ page of our site.
From the details mentioned in the records of the festivals, it could be inferred that the temple of Sri Anjaneya at Sannidhi Street is very ancient. The undated epigraph of the Vijaynagar times informs us that during Krishna Jayanthi in Avani month ‘uriyadi’ festival was conducted. There are two sculptures of royal couples embossed on two pillars in the mandap which is assigned to the Vijayanagara period. This reconfirms that the temple is very ancient.
During these great festivals, Sri Anjaneya is graced by the main Lord of this temple. He goes all the way to Gangaikonda mandapam to grace Sri Anjaneya during Brahmotsvam. During Navaratri and Sri Jayanthi festivals, He graces Sri Anjaneya of sannidhi Street.
Navaratri festival
The grand Navaratri festival is celebrated for ten days in the month of Purattasi [September/October]. Then both Varadharaja and Perundevi Thayar grace the durbar or kolu in the hundred-pillared mandapam in the outermost prakara. On the first day of Navaratri, a special thirumanjanam [holy bath] for the deities is performed in the mandapam in front of the Thayar shrine. In the evening, Sridevi along with Bhudevi the processional deity Sri Devaraja Perumal having His hair dressed in ‘Venkatathri kondai’ arrives at the Anjaneya Swamy Temple located on sannidhi Street. Having graced Sri Anjaneya, they return to the main temple. Sri Perundevi Thayar joins them at the entrance of rajagopuram. Then at the Thousand Pillar mandapam, they give darshan to the devotees sitting in ‘unjal’ [swing].
Uriyadi Utsavam on Sri Jayanthi festival day
Sri Krishna’s birth is celebrated during the month of Avani [August/September] here on a grand scale. On this occasion ‘Uriyadi’ utsavam is conducted on the next day of Sri Jayanthi. A hoop or a network of ropes for placing pots, and suspended by a cord from the roof of a house is called ‘uri’ in Tamil. To prevent Sri Krishna from stealing away the butter, Gopikas would place the butter in a pot and hang the pot in the ‘uri’. Sri Krishna and His friends would go to Gopika’s house and Sri Krishna would climb the human tower formed by His friends and get the butter from Uri. This Leela of Sri Krishna is enacted as ‘uriyadi’ during Sri Jayanthi in almost all Sri Vishnu temples, as well as in this temple.
On that day in the morning, Sri Krishna in Sesha vahanam will proceed on a procession of the maada veedhis of the temple. In the evening Sri Arulalaperumal and His Consorts regally clad in beautiful crowns and silks and ornaments, along with Sri Krishna with a peacock feather crowing His headgear. They proceed to Sri Hanuman temple at sannidhi Street and arrive at the Anjaneya Swamy Temple located on sannidhi Street. Having graced Sri Anjaneya, they watch ‘uriyadi’ leela and return to the main temple.
Ancient Sri Anjaneya Temple
From the details mentioned in the records of the above festivals, it could be inferred that the temple of Sri Anjaneya at Sannidhi Street is very ancient. The undated epigraph of the Vijaynagar times informs us that during Krishna Jayanthi in Avani month ‘uriyadi’ festival was conducted. An epigraph dated 1517 mentions that the main deity used to take a procession to the Hanuman temple to witness the ‘uriyadi’ festival. There are two sculptures of royal couples embossed on two pillars in the mandap which is assigned to the Vijayanagara period. This reconfirms that the temple is very ancient.
Sri Anjaneya Temple
The Anjaneya Temple is located at the end of Sannidhi Street facing the west rajagopuram of the temple. Since the main deity is facing west, this rajagopuram is used as the main entrance to the temple. The sannidhi Street is perpendicular to the rajagopuram. The Anjaneya temple is facing the main deity of the main temple.
There is a four-pillar mandapam in the front of the temple, probably for receiving the main deities at this temple. Next to this is the temple for Sri Anjaneya. An arch housing the image of Lord Vishnu with Sri Boodevi and Sridevi in lime and mortar atop welcomes the devotees. Then comes a pillared mandapam which is fairly huge. Then the garbhagraham where Sri Anjaneya presides and the processional deity of Sri Anjaneya is also present.
Sri Anjaneya
Sri Anjaneya idol is about five feet tall and made of granite stone. Lord is facing east and seen in a standing position on a two-foot pedestal which is elaborately decorated.
In both His legs Lord is wearing thandai. He is wearing a dhoti in kacham style, which is seen held by an ornamental waist belt. Folded hands are held near the bosom. Lord's strong arms are seen with broad Kankan in the wrist and keyuram in the upper arm. Bhuja-valayam is also seen in His shoulders. Yagnopaveetham is seen across His broad chest. Two studded ornaments are seen close to His neck. A garland-like ornament is seen dropping close to His upper left arm.
Kundalam He is wearing in the long ears are seen touching His shoulders. The fluffy cheeks project the big eyes of the Lord bigger. The kesam of the Lord is seen as a tuft over His head. Lord’s gleaming eyes radiate humility and empathy on the devotees.
Location of the temple: "Anjaneya Temple, Sannidhi St, Kanchipuram"
Mighty Anjaneya of this kshatra standing in front of the Lord with folded hands. He shows the devotee that humbleness can bring more things into life than imagined.
Ed [January 2024]
Updates: [Jan 2025]