Centuries-old Hanuman temple in the Heart of Sivaji Nagar

Sri Anjaneya Temple, Shivaji Nagar, Bangalore

gk kaushik

View of Sri Anjaneya Temple near Shivaji Nagar Bus Station, Bangalore


Sri Anjaneya Temple, Shivaji Nagar, Bangalore The city has endless stories of temples that are modern and historical. We covered many temples of Sri Anjaneya located in the city of Bangalore. The name of the city had changed from Bangalore to Bengaluru, but the zeal and enthusiasm with which the 'sthala puranam' of the temple is presented by the locals is amazing.

Shivaji Nagar

During the mid-sixties, it was usual for me to catch the bus at Shivaji Nagar bus station after seeing a movie in BRV Theater, and on one such occasion, I visited this temple. At that time the area is known for Russell Market and Bowring Hospital. Old Bangaloreans used to say ‘If you cannot get something in Shivajinagar, you cannot get it anywhere in the world!’. The area had been named in honor of Chatrapati Shivaji probably after Independence. Shivaji is the son of Shahji Bhonsle the Jagirdhar of Bangalore through Jijabai.

Originally, Shivajinagar was a water body, which became an agricultural settlement in the 15th or 16th century. At the time, some people, mostly farmers, came in from Ginjee in Tamil Nadu and built a small village, around which gradually a mud wall was built. Initially, this village was known as Belikkahalli, probably derived from Bili Akki or ‘white rice’ which was grown here. Later with the arrival of the British, and the making of the cantonment area, it became a hub for commercial activity as Britishers could come and make their purchases here. This name got Anglicized to ‘Blackpally’, with the British probably denoting it as a settlement of ‘black’ people! Even today, there is a plaque on a school in the area that gives the name ‘Blackpally’.

Ancient Hanuman temple

Sri Anjaneya Temple, Shivaji Nagar, Bangalore Interestingly, the souvenir brought out by the Saint Mary church in 1974 notes that until 1830, some parts of the mud wall mentioned above were in existence. It further notes that to the west of the wall, the Hindus had a small temple to Hanumantharaya; to the east, another temple was built dedicated to Someshwara. Between these two, the Christians built a small chapel with a thatched roof facing the east, naming it Kanikaimatha Devalaya (Church of Our Lady of Presentation).

From the above note, it could be observed that the mud wall had come into existence during the 15th or 16th century which continued to exist till 1830. It may also be noted that there is also a known practice of building a temple for Sri Hanumantharaya near the entrance of the fort. Then there was the practice of having a Hanuman temple to demarcate the limit between the villages. With these two put together it could presumed the temple is four hundred years old, if not definitely two hundred years old.

Interestingly, the souvenir brought out by the Saint Mary church in 1974 notes that until 1830, some parts of the mud wall mentioned above were in existence. It further notes that to the west of the wall, the Hindus had a small temple to Hanumantharaya; to the east, another temple was built dedicated to Someshwara.
Present day temple

Sri Sita Rama Lakshmana of Sri Anjaneya Temple, Shivaji Nagar, Bangalore The south-facing temple is situated opposite to Shivaji Nagar bus station. The three-tier rajagopurami welcomes the devotees. Mortar mold sculptures [stucco figure] of Sri Rama Pattabhishekam, Sri Rama Darbar, and others are seen in the rajagopurami. On both sides of rajagopurami, there are two arches. On the left side arch, Sri Rama Guru and Sri Anjaneya, and on the right side arch Sri Mahalakshmi - attractive stucco figures are seen.

The Hanumantharaya temple over some time had enlarged with sannidhi for other devathas apart from Sri Hanumantharaya. As one enters the main temple, Sri Rama Padam, flag post, and 'bali peedam' are seen. After that comes a rectangular hall with stone pillars and a stone roof establishing the antiquity of the temple. The sannidhi for Sri Kodanda Rama is seen in the center. Sri Rama is seen holding His Kodandam in His left hand and an arrow in the right hand. Sri Lakshmana is seen on Sri Rama’s right side having a bow and arrow. Sri Sita Devi is seen on the left side of Sri Rama in the sannidhi.

There is a separate sannidhi for Sri Mahalakshmi on the right side of Sri Rama sannidhi, and a separate sannidhi for Sri Ramanuja and Acharyas on the left side of Sri Rama sannidhi.

Sri Anjaneya, Shivaji Nagar, Bangalore sannidhi for Sri Anjaneya is seen left most. This sannidhi has mun mantapam and garbhagraham.

Sri Anjaneya

Sri Anjaneya moortham is sculpted on a single hard rock as an embossed idol. In this south-facing sannidhi, Sri Anjaneya is seen walking westwards with His left foot forward. His right foot seems ready for the next step. Anklets [thandai] and nupuram are seen in lotus feet. He is wearing dothi in kacham style. His left hand seen near his left waist is holding the stem of the ‘saugandhika’ flower. The flower is seen just above His left shoulder. The raised right hand in ‘abhaya mudra’ is showering blessings on devotees. He is wearing kankan on the wrist and ‘keyuram’ on the upper arm in both hands. Ornaments are seen in His bosom. The tail goes above His head and takes a curve at the end. The small bell at the end of the tail adds beauty to the ‘ langoolam ’. His majestic face with a slightly puffed-up cheek adds glory to the eyes of the Lord. The ‘kora pal’ [projected teeth] adds beauty to the face. The kundalam Lord wearing in His ears is seen just touching the shoulder. His kesam is combed neatly, plaited, and held tightly by a knot.


Location of the temple:       "Anjaneya Temple, Shivaji Nagar, Bangalore "


Darshan of Lord of this kshatra is sure to bestow self-confidence and prosperity to our righteous deeds.


Ed [June 2023]
Updates: [Jan 2025]


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