Centuries old Sri Hanuman deity who re-emerged to bless devotees

Sri Jayamangala Anjaneya Temple
Idugampalayam, Sirumugai, Coimbatore

gk kaushik

Sri Jayamangala Anjaneya Temple as on May 1944, Idugampalayam, Sirumugai, Coimbatore


Gateway to Sri Jayamangala Anjaneya temple, Idugampalayam, Sirumugai, Coimbatore Coimbatore and the surrounding areas were under the rule of the Madurai Sultanate. Vijayanagar emperor toppled the Madurai Sultanate in the year 1378 and all their area was brought under Bukka-I of Vijayanagar Samrajya. Vijayanagar subsequently gave autonomous power to their Maha Nayak, paving the way to form independent rule with Madurai as the capital. This dynasty is known as Madurai Nayaks. Famous among them are Tirumalai Nayak and Rani Mangamma.

Then during the 18th century, Coimbatore came under the Mysore rulers and also the British. Mysore Maharajas, who had Srirangapatna near Mysuru their capital, are ardent devotees of Lord Hanuman.

Sirumugai is located forty-five kilometers north of Coimbatore and is on the way to Mettupalayam. Today this place is known for one of the finest silk saris produced here. Many of the people had taken up weaving as a profession for Coimbatore offers one of the best yarns. The community had settled many centuries back with weaving as the main job. The River Bavani is not far off. During the 18th century, this area was governed by Palayakar, representatives of rulers.

The inscriptions in the temple and presence of a 'fish' symbol, and the royal identification of the Pandya dynasty in the sannidhi of Siva Parvati suggest that this might have been a temple complex by itself. During the ransacking of Hindu temples, these treasures might have been lost. But Sri Hanuman withstood all these and made a comeback.

Flag post of Sri Jayamangala Anjaneya temple, Idugampalayam, Sirumugai, Coimbatore Wherever army camps are set up, then that particular place gets ‘pallayam’ suffixed. When Palayakar had their army camp near Sirumugai, the place Idugam became Idugampalayam. This place is near Sirumugai and just five kilometers away.

Hanuman of Palayam

Even before Palayakar set up an army camp, this place had a temple for Sri Hanuman, who was worshiped by the army men of Vijayanagar, Madurai Nayaks as well as Mysore Maharajas. Therefore it could be any of these rulers could have established this temple for Sri Hanuman. It was known for many years outside the village folks about the existence of the Sri Hanuman temple.

The inscriptions in the temple and presence of a 'fish' symbol, and the royal identification of the Pandya dynasty in the sannidhi of Siva Parvati suggest that this might have been a temple complex by itself. During the ransacking of Hindu temples, these treasures might have been lost. But Sri Hanuman withstood all these and made a comeback.

Temple for Hanuman

Sri Jayamangala Anjaneya, Idugampalayam, Sirumugai, Coimbatore Till the early 90's Sri Hanuman was standing open to the sky and the locals offered their prayers and offerings in their humble way. During the 90s the villagers came together and built a humble temple for their Lord and called ‘Sri Hanumantha Rayan Koil’ as was the practice of the people of the region. Since the Lord had taken care of the people who had prayed with all sincerity and belief, the mighty power of the Lord's bestowing the needy spread. Today devotees throng the temple and the temple complex has been rebuilt hugely.

Garbhagraham is about sixteen by sixteen feet, followed we have an artha mandapam and then a maha mandapam.

Lord Sri Hanuman

The statue of the deity may be about six and a half feet in height and five feet in width. Unlike in other kshetras, Lord is 'yadur mukhi', that is to say, His devotees can have darshan of His entire face. Lord's right hand is raised giving blessings by way of showing 'abhaya mudra'. Devotees can also see a small 'chakra' in the Lord's palm. Lord's left hand He is holding a 'sowgandhika flower'. The flower which is yet to bloom is seen above His left shoulder. He is wearing ornaments that adorn His bosom. The tail of the Lord is seen behind his right arm and moving above His head with a slight bend at the end. A small bell adorns the end of the tail.

Both His eyes are glowing and look straight to the devotee. The sight of which is mesmerizing and captivating.



Visit to this kshetra and darshan of the Lord is sure to enslave the devotee and get him out of all worries and anxieties.


Ed [December 2018]
Updates: [Jan 2025]


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