Hanuman idol is of sandstone

Usukina Hanumappana Gudi, Raichur. Karnataka

dr. kausalya

Fort raichur [courtesy: http://www.raichur.nic.in/]

Raichur Region

Sri Hanuman devotees are familiar with Mantralayam, the last abode of the living saint Sri Raghavendra Swamy known as Gururaya. Mantralayam is on the southern bank of Thungabhadra and falls in Andhra Pradesh. On the northern bank of the river is Panchamuhki kshetram where Gururaya had undertaken penance for twelve years. This falls under the Raichur district of Karnataka.

Many parts of the present Raichur district are rich in culture and known for high devotion and respect for the Sanatana dharma. These places had been under the rule of almost all the famous kingdoms. The Raichur region was ruled by several dynasties like the Kakatiya Kamma dynasty, Musunuri Kamma dynasty, Rashtrakutas, Vijayanagar Empire, Bahmanis, and Nizams. The region of Raichur has a golden past. It has had an eventful and rich beginning from the days of the Mauryan King Ashoka (273 - 236 B.C.). Several inscriptions, rock edicts, and other records, temples, forts, and battlefields bear testimony to this fact.

The name Raichur

The district derives its name from its headquarters town Raichur (origin of the name Rayachooru in Kannada), as do most of the other districts also in the State. Though many of the villagers still call the place by the earlier form of the name which is Rayachooru, however, in modern times, it has come to be generally written and pronounced in Kannada as Rayachooru. The name of this place which is of considerable antiquity can be traced back to the Twelfth Century at least. Raya means king. Ooru means place or village. Therefore ‘Rayachooru’ means ‘A place for the king’ or ‘king among places’. Raya+ooru had now become Raichur in English and Rayachooru for the rest.

Raichur city

Raichur city is the district headquarters. The city of Raichur had been in the hem of affairs all throughout from 3rd century B.C. Originally the city was developed with the Raichur fort as the nucleus, but today the city has developed many folds and is classified as old Raichur and new Raichur.

Raichur Fort is in the heart of the Raichur the fort has been in existence since the time of the Chalukyas of Badami and then during the rule of Chalukyas of Kalyani, the fort was renovated. In 1294 AD the Kakatiyas of Warangal strengthened the fort. As per the Kakatiya inscription, Vithalanatha a commander of the army of Kakatiyas built the inner tiers of the fort. During the rule of the Vijayanagara Empire, Krishnadevaraya built the north entrance in celebration of one of his conquests. Mungli Anjaneya Swamy temple is inside the fort.

Raichur city developed during these periods under the patronage of these kings. As a part of their patronage, these kings had built many temples in and around the Raichur city, for the deities of their love. While there are many temples for all deities, Raichur has many temples for Sri Hanuman. Locals call these temples ‘Pranadevaru Gudi’ or ‘Hanumappana Gudi’. Since there are many temples for Sri Anjaneya each has been affixed with a special name. All the Hanuman temples of the city attract devotees and they pay their respect to Sri Anjaneya. One such Hanuman temple is Usukina Hanumappana Gudi, which is on the banks of a lake.

Usukina Hanuman Temple

Sri Hanuman of this temple has affixed the word ‘usuku’ and called ‘Usuku Hanuman’. Usuku means sand in Kannada. The temple is on the outskirts of the town. One has to reach the Dental College take a left turn and take the road leading to Manik Prabhu Gudi. Halfway through take the kachcha road on the right abutting the lake and it leads to the Usukina temple. The area is locally known as Golagutti.

The entire path is sandy. Recently when there was heavy rain the lake nearby was flooded and water had entered the Hanuman temple itself. It is difficult to reach the temple during rainy season; in spite of this, the devotees do visit this temple out of devotion to the Lord.


Around one hundred and fifty years back, one Sri Sheshaya and his wife who were washer men by profession used to wash the clothes on the banks of the lake. One fine night the couple had a dream in which Sri Hanuman had appealed to them not to use the stone they were using for washing as He is present in the stone. Lord had directed them to build a temple for Him. Both of them woke up and shared their dream and found to their surprise they had a similar dream and direction from the Lord.

Next day in the assembly of elders of the village they narrated their experience and also the direction of the Lord. The elders of the village proceeded to the bank of the lake where the couple used to wash the clothes. When they turned the washing stone in which the Sheshaya couple used to wash the clothes, to their astonishment they found the ‘murti’ of Sri Anjaneya intact. The villagers assembled there took a unanimous decision to build a temple for the Lord in the village on the banks of the lake.

The astrologers were called, and it was found that the ‘murti’ should be of five hundred to six hundred years old (then), and an auspicious date was fixed for the ‘punar pradishtapana’ of the Lord. The villagers built a garbhagudi for the Lord and on the marked date the Lord was reinstalled. From then on regular pujas are being conducted. Over time there were improvements in the temple complex.

Villagers turned the washing stone in which the Sheshaya couple used to wash the clothes, to their astonishment they found the ‘murti’ of Sri Anjaneya intact. The villagers assembled there took a unanimous decision to build a temple for the Lord in the village on the banks of the lake.
Temple Today

All though the temple courtyards are fixed with good flooring and the Garbhagudi is well maintained, the deepa stamba and other areas of the temple are painted and kept clean. The approach road to the temple is in bad shape. Since the temple is abutting the lake, water enters the temple during the rainy season, which is beyond human efforts. Lord of this kshetra had decided so and devotees do attend the prayers even during those difficult days.

Usukina Hanuman

Sri Hanuman of this kshetra is known by the name ‘Usukina hanumappana’, as said earlier Usuku means sand in Kannada. There could be two reasons why the Lord of this kshetra is called ‘usukina Hanuman’. Firstly the area around the lake is sandy and the Lord Himself was residing in sand for about six hundred and fifty years or so. Secondly, the murtham is in itself made of sandstone. The touch of the Lord will make one feel the touch of sand.

Sri Usukina Hanumappana of Raichur

Lord is seen with a tinge of red, white, and black colors. At the first look of the Lord the cheeks of the Lord is flushing with red color which is most appealing and alluring.

Murtham of Lord Sri Hanumappana of Raichur is about four feet tall and made of sandstone. Lord is in a walking posture and the carving is of ‘ardha shila’ type.

Lord is seen walking eastward with His left lotus foot adoring nupuram and thandai in the front. His right lotus foot is seen slightly raised from the ground. Lord is seen here executioner of Akshaya Kumaran. That son of Ravana is seen below the Lord's feet.

Lord’s left hand adorning bracelet is seen resting on the left hip and in His hand, he is holding the stem of two sowgandika flowers. While one of the flowers is in budding mode is seen downward and the other which is blossomed is seen above His left shoulder. He is wearing no ornaments on bare His bosom. A mala with beads is seen close around His neck. With His raised other hand He showers blessings on His devotees. The tail of the Lord rises above His head with a curved end which is adorned with a small beautiful bell. Lord is wearing ear studs that are touching His shoulders. His kesam is neatly tied. His eyes are glowing with compassion bequeathing ‘mangalam’ on the devotee.


Location of the temple:       "Usukina Hanumappana Gudi, Raichur. Karnataka"


Darshan of Usukina Hanumappana is sure to vanquish our ego and bestow prosperity, health, and longevity.


Ed [September 2018]
Updates: [Jan 2025]


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