North Triplicane
It was the early 60’s around fifty-five years back and I was in my early teens. I used to visit places in Madras city on my bicycle. I was a frequent visitor to a publishing house that was publishing a children's magazine named ‘Amma’. It was located on Subadral Street in Triplicane opposite Star Talkies. It was being edited by M. Venkatesan who had studied at Madras School of Arts and he was good at drawing. I frequented the place in the hope that the article or story written by me would be published by them in the magazine. A printing press was also run by Venkatesan at that place. The press was located next to the Bhajana mandapam and every Tuesday and Thursday there was be bhajan performance at this place. Over a while, the editor of the magazine had become a friend of mine despite our age difference. Whenever I go to Triplicane I used to visit Sri Hanuman temple in Hanumantharayan Street near Parthasarathy temple. Sri Venkatesan told me that there is a Hanuman temple near his place also.
Hanuman Temple off Subadral Street
One day I went in search of the Hanuman temple and located the same at just two minutes walking distance from the press. The temple was very small as found in Hanumantharayan Kovil Street but was located inside a huge compound. The temple had only the garbhagraham with a small vimanam and it was located nearer to the road. The temple compound was huge with a good Tulsi garden and houses for the priests. In the temple compound, there was a huge well of fairly big diameter just next to the temple, which separated the temple and the living quarters. There were two wells one was big and the other small. People from nearby were coming to fetch water from the well.
It was evening time and the priest came and opened the door of the temple. I had darshan of Sri Hanuman and made pradakshinam muttering slokas. On completion of my circumambulation of the deity, the priest offered me thertham and Mangala akshadha. He started inquiring about me and I told him about me. He told me that the Mukhyaprana of this temple had been installed by his forefather who was returning from a pilgrimage to Rameshwaram about four generations back. He is the fifth generation priest worshipping the deity. He further said that the water in this well is sweet and like nectar, and that is the reason people from around come and fetch water.
One of his forefathers who were worshipping this deity wanted to go to Allahabad and Badrinath on pilgrimage, but could not go for the reason better known to the Lord. On one fine night, he was told by the Lord Mukhyaprana whom he was worshipping day and night, that taking a bath in the water drawn from this well itself is like taking a bath in Sangama of Yamuna, Ganga, and Saraswati. Thus the longing and thirst of the then priest for going on pilgrimage came to an end.
I used to visit the temple whenever I went to Subadral Street Press. After they stopped the publication of the magazine I had not visited this temple and it is more than fifty-five years I had gone there.
My recent visit
Recently I was in Chennai i.e., old Madras. This time around I wanted to visit Subadral Street and then Sri Hanuman Temple. After nearly fifty-five years I took the same route as was followed then- visited Subadral Street first. The bhajana mandapam had now turned into a big temple. To my surprise the house from where the ‘Amma’ magazine used to be published is still there and is in the same shape, the same tailed low roof and the look had not changed a bit.
From there I went to the Hanuman temple. The road on which the temple is located has been presently named ‘Mayor Chitibabu Road’. The temple is seen from quite a distance and its three-tier rajagopuram announces the presence of the temple; unlike the old times when there was no rajagopuram. When I neared the temple, I could see that the entrance through which I used to visit the temple was presently not in use. The gate through which people used to come to fetch water is where the rajagopuram is built. I entered through the rajagopuram and stepped into a big hall in which the Garbhagraham of Sri Mukhyaprana is located. The garbhagraham of the temple had been renovated, but they had not changed anything else. The vimanam above the garbhagraham is now enlarged unlike in earlier times.
One of his forefathers who were worshipping this deity wanted to go to Allahabad and Badrinath on pilgrimage, but could not go for the reason better known to the Lord. On one fine night, he was told by the Lord Mukhyaprana whom he was worshipping day and night, that taking a bath in the water drawn from this well itself is like taking a bath in Sangama of Yamuna, Ganga, and Saraswati.
Present temple
As you enter through the rajagopuram, you will be on the backside of the Garbhagraham. You have to walk along the compound wall and Garbhagraham to have a darshan of the Lord. The well that was there had been closed and the whole space had been covered by the hall. A huge portrait of Sri Vyasaraja on the throne of Vijayanagar adorns the western wall as a mark of devotion to the great saint who had built many temples for Lord Hanuman. Beautifully rendered painting in mortar mold [stucco figure] of Sri Rama parivar is seen north-facing at the end of the southern wall. Just beside the Rama parivar, the stucco figure of Guru Raghavendra is also found. As one enters through rajagopuram, the first darshan of the devotee will be these two deities right from the entrance itself.
Tucked in the southeast corner of the compound is a banyan tree, under which there are several naga pradeshta. Under the tree, there is a stone vigraha of Lord Sri Hanuman facing East. The posture of the Lord is similar to that of the main deity of this kshetra, but this moortham is four to five feet in height. Devotees can apply ‘senthur’ to the Lord as a part of worship. Devotees do pradkshanam of this Lord residing under a banyan tree which is considered auspicious.
The Lord of this kshetra is in standing posture on a two-foot platform and is facing east. Just above the lord Sri Rama Parivar made of granite is seen. The ‘Utsava’ murti’ of the lord is also seen in the Garbhagraham.
Sri Mukhyaprana
The idol of Lord Sri Mukhaprana is about two feet tall and made of hard granite stone. He is in a walking posture and the carving is of ‘ardha shila’ type. Lord is seen walking northward with His left lotus foot adorning nupur and thandai in the front. His right lotus foot is seen slightly raised from the ground. His left hand is resting on the left hip and in his hand, he is holding the stem of the sowgandika flower. The flower which is in full blossom is seen above His left shoulder. He is wearing ornaments which adorn His bosom. With His raised other hand He is showering blessings on His devotees. In both hands, he is wearing bracelets. The tail of the Lord rises above His head with a curved end which is adorned with a small beautiful bell. Lord is wearing ear studs and His kesam is neatly tied.
Location of the temple: "Mukhyaprana temple, Mayor Chitibabu Road, Chennai"
The lustrous eyes of the Lord are brimming with affection. The fondness with which the Lord showers His blessings on the devotee and the comfort envelops the devotee.
Ed [June 2018]
Updates: [Jan 2025]