The oldest Hanuman temple of Tirumangalam

Sri Anjaneya Temple, Usalampatti Road
Tirumangalam, Madurai, Tamil Nadu

gk kaushik

Sri Anjaneya Temple, Usalampatti Road, Tirumangalam, Madurai, Tamil Nadu


Tirumangalam is a town located around twenty-five kilometers from great Madurai city. From the inscriptions found in and around this place, the place had been active from the days of Pandya time.

This place had been an agricultural area when Madurai was ruled by Nayaks. Lots of canals had been laid, thereby the water flow in Kundaru had been put to full use. British also contributed to the development of this place. They had established a court to enable people from the southern part of Madurai to seek justice when the Vaigai River is in spade during the rainy season. Judgment passed on Veerapandiya Kattabomman, a rebellion Palyakar/polygar [feudal title for the administrators] to be hanged was handed over at this court only.

Why the name Tirumangalam

Sri Anjaneya Temple, Usalampatti Road, Tirumangalam, Madurai, Tamil Nadu Lord Shiva came down to Madurai to wed Mother Meenakshi. The Devas from the celestial world also came to attend the function and gathered at a place near Madurai. They melted gold and made the Tirumangalyam [auspicious talisman] for the wedding. Before doing so they wanted to perform Shiva Puja. Pleased with them, Lord Shiva granted darshan with Mother Parvathi even before the wedding.

As the Tirumangalyam was made here, the place was named Tirumangalyapuram which in later days changed to Tirumangalam.

Devas desired that Lord Shiva should stay in this kshetra and bless devotees, hence Lord Shiva accepted to stay in this kshetra. Based on this event, the Lord of this kshetra is called Sundareswarar and Mother Meenakshi. In the years that followed, kings built the temple.

River Kundaru

The economy of the people of Tirumangalam and the villages around basically depends on agricultural products. Water for this is drawn from the Kundaru River. Kundaru (kundu + aru) is one of the seasonal rivers in Tamil Nadu. It originates in the Andipatti mountain ranges, located on the Western Ghats mountain range in the Theni District. Andipatti is 260 meters above MSL. This river is known as ‘Mel Kundaru’ in the upper stream and the lower stream is known as ‘Kez Kundaru’ before it joins the Bay of Bengal.

Kundaru passes through Madurai, Virudhunagar, and Ramanathapuram districts and joins the Bay of Bengal near South Moogaiyur. The length is 146 km. The main river Kundaru has Therkaru, Kanal Stream, Krithumal River, and Paralaiyaru as its tributaries.

This river enters Tirumangalam from the west and turns southwards. In Tirumangalam the river gets split into two parts and runs in parallel near Tiruvankata Samudhram, thus forming an island. On this island, there is a small temple near the southward bending of the river. There is a bridge over the eastern arm of the river through which one can come to this temple. What is this temple about?

Brief history of Tirumangalam

Sri Anjaneya Temple, Usalampatti Road, Tirumangalam, Madurai, Tamil Nadu Madurai and its surrounding areas were ruled by Madurai Nayaks from 1529 to 1736. Of the Nayaks, Tirumalai Nayak [1623-1659] and Rani Mangamma [1689-1706] were very famous and had done many reforms in administration and welfare for people. Both happen to be generous in their contribution towards religious upkeep. Rani Mangamma is well known for her building of highway roads up to Rameswaram. All along the highway rest houses known as ‘Chatram’ were also built.

As per the Gazette published in 1906 about Madurai, there is a mention of the presence of a small mandapam, called nagara [drum] [நகரா மண்டபம்] at Tirumangalam. It is further stated that this is said to have been one of a series that Tirumala Nayakkan established all along the road from Srivilliputtur to his palace at Madurai, and provided with drummers to pass the word as soon as the God at Srivilliputtur had had his meals so that Tirumala could begin his own. Therefore it is seen that even during the Tirumala Nayaks period Tirumangalam was in hem of affairs. At the fag end of Madurai Nayaks’ rule [1735 are so], there was chaos all over and local chieftains known as ‘Palyakar or polygar’ had become powerful. They continued to wield power even after.

During this time new temples were built in Tirumangalam and one such temple was for Lord Sri Hanumar.

It is believed that this temple for Hanuman had come into being in the eighteenth century. There are some endowments made to this temple in the mid-nineteenth century by individuals. At the beginning of the twentieth century silver kavacham for the Lord had been offered by some devotees. Therefore the temple could be said to be at least two hundred and fifty years old.
Legend of Sri Anumar Temple

It is believed that this temple for Hanuman had come into being in the eighteenth century. There are some endowments made to this temple in the mid-nineteenth century by individuals. At the beginning of the twentieth century silver kavacham for the Lord had been offered by some devotees. Therefore the temple could be said to be at least two hundred and fifty years old. The poojas in this temple were conducted following Madwa Sampradaya. For a few years, the temple remained in isolation, and poojas were conducted only during festivals.

About thirty-five years back, a few devotees got together and formed an association with the blessings of Sri Sankaracharya of Sringeri. With the blessings of H.H., they started working on improving the temple. When the Lord wished to resurface and bless His devotees, nothing seemed to be stopping them, devotees, from working with vigour and devotion. The end result is there to see. Today the temple has a compound, majestic three-tier raja gopuram and sannidhi for SriRama Parivar.

Lord's devotees are full of faith that the Lord of this kshetra fulfills the devotees’ justified wishes. Today the devotees throng the temple on Saturdays, especially on new moon day many devotees come to the temple.

Temple today

Sri Anjaneya, Usalampatti Road, Tirumangalam, Madurai, Tamil Nadu The east-facing temple has a three-tier rajagopuram, while the sannidhi for Lord Anjaneya is the main attraction, nearby there is a sannidhi for Sri Rama along with Sri Sita and Sri Lakshmana. There are a few more deities installed in the vicinity of Sri Vallabha Ganapati, and Sri Muruga along with Sri Valli and Daivanai, Sri Manikantan, and Sri Lakshmi Narasimhar.

Devotees can make circumambulations in the concourse around the main Garbhagraham.

Sri Anjaneya

The east-facing moortham of Sri Anjaneya is about four feet tall. Sri Anjaneya of this kshetra stands with His hands folded. The deity is very simple and is seen as a Sri Rama Bhaktha, inculcating Bakthi to the devotees. Lord's folded hands are adorned with kankan, keyur. He is wearing ornaments which adorn His bosom. His lotus feet are adorned with a hollow anklet and also a nupur. The Lord’s tail which cannot be seen rises along His back up to the head with a curve at the end. The small bell in the curved end of the tail could be seen near the left shoulder of the Lord. Lord is wearing ear-studs and a beautiful ornamental crown is seen over His head. His straight-looking eyes are seen filled with devotion and are showering blessings on the devotee.


Location of the temple:       "Sri Anjaneya Temple, Usalampatti Road, Tirumangalam"


The bright and glowing eyes of the Lord of this kshetra are bestowing all His karuna on the devotees. Be assured that our sincere prayers are sure to be answered.


Ed [February 2018]
Updates: [Jan 2025]


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