An Anjaneya temple is nearly five hundred years old at the village of Aavur which lies en route to Pudukottai from Trichy. We have to take a diversion from Mathur roundana to go to this village, about five kilometers from the main state highway. The village is a part of Pudukottai District. The river called ‘Aavuran’ [a] ‘Korai’ runs bordering the village of Aavur. The Anjaneya temple located before the village Aavur, village called Mullipattiis is known by the name Peedampatti Sri Sanjeevirayan temple. The temple is about sixteen kilometers from the main bus stand. Apart from this temple, there is no activity nearby and we can see that we are passing through a terrain that is just short of the forest when traveling from Mathur.
Pilgrims camp
It is left to the imagination of what it would have been about four hundred years back. That was the time when a group of pilgrims from Telugu-speaking area were passing through this place. When they were camping here for the night, the leader of the team felt something attractive about this place and decided to camp there for more days. When they went around the place for their food they found a lot of herbs which could cure many ailments in this place.
Sri Anjaneya vigraha
One day when they were on their usual trail of the area, they came across a strange-looking rock half-struck in the land. When they started removing the rock from the ground they noticed that it was a small vigraha of Sri Ganesha. Some distance away they found another rock which they could not move from the ground. On that night Sri Anjaneya had appeared in the leader's dream and informed that He is present in the place. He had also instructed them that He would be worshiped by them henceforth.
It was during the Sixteenth century that the ruler of the province came here for hunting and came across this group. The ruler then had no child and was offered medicine for this by these pilgrims who told the ruler to have faith in Sri Anjaneya who would grant him children. After a few days of taking the medicine, the ruler was blessed with a child and was so happy that he came to Aavur and built a temple for the Lord Anjaneya.
Worship of Sri Sanjeevirayan
From then on they had started worshiping the rock in which Sri Anjaneya was found and continued to live in the same area. This group of pilgrims' knowledge about the herbs grown in the area was good and they offered medicine for the ailments of the people around this place. It was their strong belief that it was gifted to them by non other than Sri Anjaneya Himself.
Rulers’ visit and temple for the Lord
It was during the Sixteenth century that the ruler of the province came here for hunting and came across this group. The ruler then had no child and was offered medicine for this by these pilgrims who told the ruler to have faith in Sri Anjaneya who would grant him children. After a few days of taking the medicine, the ruler was blessed with a child and was so happy that he came to Aavur and built a temple for the Lord Anjaneya. Then the temple came to be known as the savior of all ailments and the presence of the Lord who brought Sanjeevinee is felt here to cure the ailments of His devotees.
Grants to the Temple and Poojaris
Today the poojas for the Lord are being performed by the descendants of the original pilgrims. The 21st generation of the original tribe is now performing the poojas. As a mark of gratitude and respect to the Lord Sanjeevirayan many rich rulers and landlords had gifted articles to the temple and improved upon the temple at different points of time. They hold a copper plate dating back to 1805 stating that the then-ruler donated acres of land to them as pujaris of the Sanjeevirayan temple.
Poojas in the Temple
Unjal celebration is conducted during the month of Margazhi along with Sri Hanumath Jayanthi. The ten-day annual celebration is conducted with gays and gaiety during the month of Chitrai, A Car festival is held during this celebration. There are very few Hanuman temples that have their own car, this is one among them.
Location of the temple: Sri Sanjeevirayan Temple, Aavur, near Trichy"
Sri Sanjeevirayan, who brought medicinal herbs from Himalaya for Sri Lakshmana, is present at this kshetra for curing all aliments of His devotees. Come with hope and faith on Sri Sanjeevirayan and get rid of all ailments.
Ed [June-July 2016]
Updates: [Jan 2025]