Temple of Hanuman, who performed duty in lieu of His bhakt

Parad Sri Hanuman Mandir, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh

Sri Rajesh Malaviya, Sagar*

Parad Sri Hanuman Mandir, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh


Sagar is one of the most important cities in Madhya Pradesh. Today the city is climatically preferred for many industries as it is well connected by railway and National Highway. The heritage and culture of the city are sober and admirable. The city is vibrant with many Institutions under Sagar University. The places where many people stay during their sojourn to nearby Garhphara Mountains, Rahatgarh waterfalls, Kimlasa forts, and other places of tourist importance are also nearby. The city is also the home of the State Police Academy. The city got its name “Saugor” from two words Sau+Garh meaning Hundreds of forts. Today Saugor had become Sagar, that also not without reason. The heart of the city is a lake which is very huge like an ocean [Sagar in Hindi]. The main lake that is called Sagar Lake established by Lakha Banzaara in early 1100AD is the heart of the city, and the very panoramic view of the lake can give you peace. PARAD SRI HANUMAN MANDIR, SAGAR, MADHYA PRADESH

Sagar cantonment history

The ancient Indian kingdom of Chedi had its capital as "Suktimati", which was located in Sagar in contemporary times. But in recent history, the Maratha General Govind Pant Bundele made Sagar the capital of the territory in the year 1735. Thus the city gained its importance. Since located in the center of India and strategically positioned it gained more importance. The Maratha Empire in India had to face many wars with the British. However, the Third Anglo-Maratha War (1817–1818) was the final and decisive conflict between the British East India Company and the Maratha Empire in India. Bhonsle was defeated in the battle of Sitabaldi and Holkar in the battle of Mahidpur. The northern portion of Bhonsle’s dominions in and around Nagpur, together with the Peshwa’s territories in Bundelkhand, was annexed by British India as the Saugor and Nerbudda Territories. After the war by a treaty concluded with the Maratha Peshwa in 1818, the greater part of the present district was made over to the British.

PARAD SRI HANUMAN MANDIR, SAGAR, MADHYA PRADESH Thus Sagar town became the capital of the Saugor and Nerbudda Territories and then attached to the North-Western Provinces. Though the Sagar town was attached to one or the other Division of India, its importance as a military base and its cantonment remained the same. Thus the cantonment of Sagar was active all these years.

Old Sagar

The present-day Sagar was founded as an alternate capital by the rulers who ruled with Gadpahra as the capital. Gadpahra is the older Sagar, presently the area is known as Old Sagar. Gadpahra is situated around twelve kilometers from Sagar on the hill of Bhainsha on Jhansi road.

One can see an Old fort built on the low ranges of the Bhainsha hills. Gadpahra is known as the most ancient Siddh Kshetra. The place is known as Siddh because of the presence of the very powerful ancient Hanuman Mandir. There are two main temples in the mountain. The temple of Angat Devi is downstream of the mountain and Sri Hanuman mandir.

It could be seen that worship of Lord Hanuman and Durga Devi in this region was in practice for a long time since both these deities bestow fearlessness, and braveness which are essential for the soldiers.

Mandirs of Sagar Cantonment

There are many Mandirs for Devi in this location known as Kali Mata Mandir, Mata Ka Mandir, Deviji Ka Mandir, etc. There are many Mandirs for Lord Hanuman, out of which Parad Mandir is famous. Although this entire area is known as Parad, the temple for Sri Hanumanji only is known as Parad Mandir.

After a prolonged thought, he realised that he got emotional while reading about the place where Sri Rama’s army led by Sri Sugriva and followed by Sri Hanuman were crossing the ocean in a parade. Now it dawned on him that it was none other than Sri Hanuman of this temple who had gone to parade disguised in his place.
Parad Mandir Kshetra puranam

Those days, people were not materialistic; they devoted time to prayers. Persons who could sing would perform bhajan in the lead, and others would follow. If a competent person was found, he would give lectures on Ramayana or Mahabharata. This activity was in practice during the early morning or evening on temple premises.

A learned person used to recite ‘Sundra Kand’ in the Hanuman temple near his house before performing his duties in the office. He was a great devotee of Sri Hanuman and was employed in the army. One fine day while he was reciting ‘Sundra Kand’ he was so deeply involved in the Ramayana that he lost his sense of time. When he overcame the emotion, he realised that he had overstayed in the Hanuman temple. That day he was also to attend practice of march-past in the camp. Since he is a disciplined man, he went straight to the commandant and apologised for not attending the rehearsal of March-past. But the commandant looked at him and asked why he was asking for an apology when he had attended the rehearsal in the morning. It was a surprise for the devotee. When his batchmates confirmed that he had attended the morning parade he was even more surprised.

PARAD SRI HANUMAN MANDIR, SAGAR, MADHYA PRADESH In the night he thought about this strange happening. After a prolonged thought, he realised that he got emotional while reading about the place where Sri Rama’s army led by Sri Sugriva and followed by Sri Hanuman were crossing the ocean in the parade. Now it dawned on him that it was none other than Sri Hanuman of this temple who had gone to parade disguised in his place.

In the morning he went to Sri Hanuman temple and saw that Sri Hanuman was smiling at him in a naughty way. It took him a few seconds to know the fact that his prediction was correct. He realised that he was destined to spread the glory of Sri Rama. Hence he offered his resignation from the army and started spreading the glory of Sri Rama by giving discourses on Sri Ramayana.

Parad Hanuman

The temple in which the above incident took place is now known as Parad Mandir. The Lord who had listened to Srimath Ramayana is now known as Parad Sri Hanuman. Even today one can see the great Lord who was moved by the Purana of Ramayana when read or told with devotion. Lord of this kshetra is seen with a mustache. With His right hand, He is showing that there is only one Lord above us by upward raised index finger. [People mistake that His right hand is in a saluting posture]. His left hand is seen resting on his chest close to his heart. His right leg is resting on the head of a demon. His left leg is firmly on the ground. Lord’s bright big eyes brought a grin to His face. The long tail of the Lord raised above His right shoulders passing behind the head.


The north-facing Pared Mandir is situated in the cantonment area on the National Highway 26A, and from Sagar Railway station it is about three to four kilometers and the same distance from the Bus station.


Sri Rama Navami, Sri Hanumath Jayanti, Sivarathri, and Sri Krishna Jayanti are celebrated in this temple. The old temple was renovated and Kumbhakishek of the temple was performed in 1934 by Sri Lakshman Giri Naga Baba. Sri Hanuman Parade Mandir is managed by Sri Panch Zuna Akhara Mahant Sri Lakshman Giri Naga Baba, Sagar, Damoh.


Location of the temple:       Parad Sri Hanuman Mandir, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh"


Sri Parad Hanuman wearing a smile on His face gives a lot of love and bestows happiness to His devotees. The glories Lord is sure to destroy all obstacle His devotees faces.


Ed [January 2015]
Updates: [Jan 2025]
*the author is working with MP Police in Sagar


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